Mark A. Collins, DDS
Mark Collins DDS is a co-owner of a dental practice in Arizona where he practiced general dentistry for the past 24 years. Prior to owning a practice in Arizona he served in the US Army as a dental officer before receiving an honorable discharge. Dr. Collins was also a national Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) research fellow recipient. He was an adjunct clinical faculty at a Dental Hygiene school, a best selling published author, journal author, involved with several dental associations, a former ABDSM diplomate, national lecturer, forensic document examiner. He has advanced training in removable dentistry, Orthodontics, dental implants, TMD and dental sleep medicine. He was also a former enlisted member in the US Air Force with a total military service of 10 years. Dr. Collins served his community as a high school board member/director, a church leader, and a member of civic organizations. Dr. Collins believes in giving back to our state by being an investigator as a way of saying thank you for entrusting him with a dental license to treat others for the past 26 years. Additionally, Dr. Collins received a B.S. in Industrial Management from Newman University, an MDIV from Claremont School of Theology, and a DDS degree from The University of Iowa.