Governor Ducey Announces Latest COVID-19 Actions

Governor Ducey announces and issues an Executive Order that halts all elective surgeries in the state of Arizona to free up medical resources and maintain the capacity for hospitals and providers to continue offering vital services. The Executive Order includes dental surgeries.
Governor Ducey announces - a COVID-19 information and resources website - update March 31, 2020
Governor Ducey latest Executive Order Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected - updated March 30, 2020
Governor Ducey issued another Executive Order that eases several burdens regarding licensure, including, but not limited to: extending expiration dates of licenses expiring, suspending rules that limit the amount of continuing education hours you can take online and deferring continuing education. - updated March 26, 2020
Please click here for the newest information coming from Governor Ducey's office. - updated March 25, 2020
Governor Ducey issues Executive Order Prohibiting the Closure of Essential Services. - updated March 23, 2020
This will help keep critical personal protective equipment (PPE) available for the fight against COVID-19.
CDC Recommendation: Postpone Non-Urgent Dental Procedures, Surgeries, and Visits - updated March 20, 2020
What Constitutes a Dental Emergency - American Dental Association
Arizona Dental Associations' resources regarding COVID-19, including the donation of PPE equipment.