Register as a Volunteer Health Professional for a Public Health Emergency

April 15, 2022

The Board staff has fielded numerous phone calls and emails from our healthcare professionals who are interested in volunteering for the COVID-19 Response. The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS)  has recently responded and needs emergency response volunteers to call upon during a time of need. The knowledge and skills you have can help make a difference during this or any disaster. The first step in volunteering is to register with the Arizona Emergency System for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (AZ-ESAR-VHP or Once registered, request membership into the COVID-19 Response or other categories of interest. You can also get involved with opportunities by connecting with your local medical reserve corps by visiting

Additionally, if a healthcare professional wishes to donate any medical supplies, including PPE, all items can be donated directly to their local county health departments or healthcare facilities. 

Specifically, if you wish to donate to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH), who depends on the generosity of community members like you, they have implemented a donation management program to allow for individuals and/or organizations to donate. Follow this link for donation drop off location and times, and help spread the word.