Refund policy: Jurisprudence examination fees are nonrefundable. All other fees may be refunded if there was an error in payment of the fee (e.g. paid incorrect fee or double payment), or the Board is unable to comply with a request which required a fee. Refund requests must be made in writing.
General Fees
Additional Office (each) - $25.00 (ARS §§ 32-1236(F), 32-1262(G))
Duplicate Certificate - $25.00 (ARS § 32-1297.04(2))
Audio recording - $10.00 (ARS § 32-121.01(D)(1))
Jurisprudence Examination - Nonrefundable
Dentists - $300.00 (ARS § 32-1232(B))
Dental Hygienists - $100.00 (ARS § 32-1284(A))
Denturists - $250.00 (ARS § 32-1297.04(1))
Late Renewal Fee
Late Renewal Fee - $100.00 (ARS §§ 32-1236(D), 32-1287(D), 32-1297.06(D))
License Verification and Copying Fees
License Verification for Licensure in another State - $25.00 (ARS § 32-1207(F))
License Verification for Insurance/Credentialing Company - $5.00 (ARS § 32-1207(F))
Copying fee (per page) - $0.25 (ARS § 39-121.01(D)(1))
Licensing Fees/Certification Fees
Credential Fee - $2,000.00 (ARS § 32-1240(B))*
Prorated License Fee - $110.00 (ARS § 32-1236(C))*
Triennial Renewal Fee - $650.00 (ARS § 32-1236(A))
Triennial Renewal Fee for Retired/Disabled Status - $15.00 (ARS § 32-1236(G))
Anesthesia and Sedation Permit - $300.00 (ARS § 32-1207(E))
Renewal of Anesthesia and Sedation Permit - $300.00 (ARS § 32-1207(E))
Anesthesia and Sedation Permit (each additional location - $25.00 (ARS § 32-1207(E))
Dental Hygienists
Credential Fee - $1,000.00 (ARS § 32-1292.01(B))*
Prorated License Fee - $55.00 (ARS § 32-1287(C))*
Triennial Renewal Fee - $325.00 (ARS § 32-1287(A)) Effective February 6, 2017
Triennial Renewal Fee for Retired/Disabled Status - $15.00 (ARS § 32-1287(F))
Prorated per month of 1st year certified - $46.00 (ARS § 32-1297.06(C))*
Triennial Renewal Fee - $300.00 (ARS § 32-1297.06(A))
Business Entity Registration
Business Entity Registration Fee - $100.00 per year (ARS § 32-1213(B)(4))
Mailing Lists (ARS § 32-1207(F))
Dentists (Primary Address)
In-State licensees - $100.00
All licensees - $100.00
Dental Hygienists (primary address)
In-State licensees - $100.00
All licensees - $100.00
All Denturists - $5.00
Subscription Fees (ARS § 32-1207(F))
Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes (mailed directly to consumer):
Agendas and Minutes (annual fee) - $75.00
Minutes only (annual fee) - $50.00
Agendas only (annual fee) - $25.00